Home goods stores in Yamachiche, Quebec The most complete information about Home goods stores in Yamachiche, Quebec: Addresses, phone numbers, reviews and other information. All stores Clothing Convenience Furniture Hardware Home goods Store Supermarket All home goods stores in Yamachiche Atelier Yamachiche P.Q. Store Home goods Furniture 511 Rue Sainte Anne, Yamachiche, QC G0X 3L0 Get Directions Contacts Write a review Constructions Ferron Store Home goods 361 Rue Saint Louis, Yamachiche, QC G0X 3L0 Get Directions Contacts Write a review Meubles Usi-Bois Store Home goods Furniture 1570 Rue Sainte Anne, Yamachiche, QC G0X 3L0 Get Directions Contacts Write a review ✗ Facebook Google Plus Twitter